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At the end of each day of the mission trip, youth and leaders got a chance to share the highs and lows of their day.  Without a doubt, this Derby Kansas youth team had a lot to share.  Here are just a few of their highs and lows:

Highs: Watching Jaycer complete a challenging low ropes course, watching kids in the camp accept Christ, movie talk @ dinner, and car ride jam (Michael)

Volleyball and 9 square (Riley)

The Church Clap, going into the cave with 3rd-6th graders, and 9 square and volleyball (Alex)

Truck bed rides, tator tots, Sonic (Hayden)

Leading energizers for the kids, quality time with my youth family, the kids/campers, worship, and the hall swing (Annalise)

Learned the Church Clap, fellowship with my kids, watching kids interact with campers (Charmaine)

The campers all dancing with us, making all the cool challenges with the boys, and the food was amazing. (Jaycer)

Chapel, truck rides, gym, pool, campers, hanging with friends (Luke)

Worship and the slow worship time, teaching moves to a song, low ropes course, 9 square, devotional time, and pulling wallpaper.  (Sidney)

Frisbee gold, reliving my volleyball glory days, seeing the youth serving and loving others with joy, and seeing kids listening and hearing God. 

Tick bite trail, rec day, dinner, hanging with my boy Asher. (Sam)

The boys in my group, all the car rides, the pool, church clap, and the hike with my group and Derek. (Jaycer)

Jam session with Michael, church clap, tator tots, seeing my girls accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, food, and 9 square. (Annalise)

Chapel, chocolate chip cookies, learned to dunk, and mom texting me.

Tick Bite Trail, 9 square, car ride w AK. (Charamine)

….and there was so many more highs of the week – seeing campers baptized, morning sunrises, and learning to hear from God.

The lows of course had to do mainly with the heat, being tired, roommates snoring, and 24 hours not being enough time for a day. 

Thank you LORD for your highs on this trip and helping us to endure the lows of life, too.